Saturday, June 30, 2007, 7:20 am
Chain reaction...

Well now, that was certainly interesting.
Last night, on my drive home from shopping, I was in a four-car pile up. First time for me.
Traffic was backed up, I stop, check my mirror and see the car behind me stop, so I look down.
Then, bam!
The car behind the Jetta behind me didn't get stopped.
The girl driving the Jetta looked like she was ready to hit someone. Her car got the worst of it, because it went under mine.
I was just thankful no one was hurt and no airbags went off. Of the four cars, the Jetta is in pretty bad shape (but drivable), then mine, then the guy in the rear. The guy in front of me just got tapped... there wasn't even any visible damage to his car.
My back bumper can probably be buffed off for now, but I have a feeling that the stress will make the paint fall off in the not-too-distant future.
I felt so bad for the girl behind me though. She'd just left the shop with her car, ironically because her brake lights hadn't been working.
She was sooo cute too! It really helped pass the time chatting with her and her friend.
I had to ask about her Jetta, since I still want one pretty bad... she joked and offerred hers to me there. Then she said she loves it. She said it's been nothing but bad luck since she moved here from Georgia, first hitting a deer, then the brake lights, now this.
At least this one will be covered by someone else's insurance. I'm happy her brake lights were fixed, otherwise the pile up could have been much, much worse.
I wanted to ask for her phone number, but I started thinking about how inappropriate it might be... is that silly? I mean, we were clearly enjoying each other's company...
She had the most amazing brown eyes.
Oh well, there are sooo many women out there... and who knows, perhaps I'll see her again.

Nia Peeples
Nia Peeples