Wednesday, October 8, 2008, 2:46 pm
3 years...

This month marks an interesting anniversary for me. It's hard to believe it has been three years!
Three years ago, I was on top of the world. I had just started school, with law school ambitions clearly in sight, and I was excited about it. I had just discovered the school's workout facilities, and was finally working to manage my weight problem. The burden of my heavy financial debt had turned, and I was no longer having to scrimp and save to make ends meet. I had a girlfriend, and I was in love.
It was truly a high point in my life. However, at the time my happiness was built like a house of cards... little did I know that it would only take six months to bring it all crashing down. All of it.
That was still in the "before time." The high point didn't teach me much, but I did learn a lot in the six months that followed.
I've learned I couldn't have continued down that road. I know that now.
So, what's changed? Right now, I'm not quite back on top... yet I'm at a higher point than I was three years ago. I'm within sight of a bachelor's degree which has proven quite elusive for so many years, although law school may no longer be the goal. I've worked out regularly and examined my nutrition and while I've lapsed a bit in the last six months, I know what it will take to get myself back to where I was a year ago... at my lightest weight since eighth grade and in the best shape of my life... AND I'm determined to get back there; however I believe my weight problem is mostly under control. The burden of my heavy financial debt is turning, and I no longer have to scrimp and save to make ends meet, which means I've regained control from the extreme depression I experienced... and tried to buy my way out of. I don't have a girlfriend, and I'm not in love... but I've managed to find friendship from both of those women.
Wait... check that.
I am in love. What makes all the difference is that I've learned how to love myself, to accept myself. I am a hundred times the person I was in the before time. I've found happiness within my mere existence, totally independent of outside stimuli.
Because of that, I know I will never truly be on "top" of anything... except where I was yesterday. I still have nowhere to go but up, and that prospect is thrilling! I have friends who love and care about me, girlfriends who love and care about me, and it all came from within!
I know. Right?
Amazing! Who knew?
Today, I met my representative in the U.S. House, and enjoyed talking with her. There is one thing she said that stands out, because my degree will lend itself to entering the political arena.
She said that she didn't enter politics to be political, she entered politics because she was angry about what was happening, and she wanted to do something about it. She entered politics to affect policy. Because of that, she loves her job.
I totally admire that. It shouldn't be about political beliefs... it should be about the people and the policies.
Hopefully, someday it will be... one politician at a time.

Confessions on a Dance Floor