Wednesday, October 28, 2020, 10:32 pm
Why awaken?

I read something earlier this week about how long it takes to get into REM sleep and dream. For depressed people, it takes around sixty minutes; for normal people, around ninety; and for happy people, around two hours.
I’m not sure what that says about someone who can get into a dream he remembers… in a twenty minute nap.
However, lately, I’ve had the most extraordinary dreams.
In fact, I can’t wait to go back to sleep. And it shows. Last week, I averaged fourteen hours of sleep a day.
The dreams have become so amazing. So vivid. So wild. So defined. So consistent. Dreamland is what I truly look forward to. Why would I want to wake up? Why would I want to get out of bed?
And, for the first time in ages, I pick up where I left off. Like I’m traveling between one life and the other. Although, when I am here, and try to focus and remember what is going on there, it’s like I am betraying the dream, and the memories evaporate.
So, I stop. I am afraid the entire dreamland will dissolve if I continue to betray it.
What I can recall, and what keeps enticing me back, is that I am living someplace warm, probably Southern California, with a certain 24-year-old Instagram model, in a large house and surrounded by her friends, living a rich life filled with adventure, and the freedom to go anywhere…
And while I would love to embellish more, I cannot risk betraying the dream. In fact, I am afraid I’ve already said too much, yet I wanted to note something down for that day…
When dreams become nightmares. Or fleeting. Or disappear altogether. Or the mistress returns.
However, if the line between dreams and reality begins to blur. And I am always there. With her. Well, would that be so bad?
But no, this will end. Like all things, so here it is.
Just a small record. So I can remember dreamland.
Remember. And smile.