Saturday, April 30, 2022, 9:29 am

With all that is going on in life, the universe, and everything, it’s good to pause. To stop taking everything for granted. To be thankful for what you have. And in some cases, what you don’t have.
I, for one, am grateful for having found gratitude. Think about it. Just a little. It’s incredible.
I am grateful for the current roster of ladies in my life. Each of which brings her own unique talent and beauty into my life… and her viewpoint. It is through you ladies that I am FINALLY figuring out EXACTLY what I want in life. And I’m finally starting to remove what I don’t want. Even if and when you are put on waiver, it will be through true, pure, and unconditional love. And I will always adore you. And you. And you.
I am grateful for having found (at least) a li’l courage to try new things. So what if it doesn’t work out? For a moment, I embraced chaos… I became Kid Chaos. Now, I know how to move in the land of chaos. Even if I prefer more order. Besides, Kid Chaos tends to ruin lives. And no one deserves that.
I am grateful for discovering a community of truly extraordinary gentlemen. Brothers on a similar mission to recognize beauty in women, and indeed, in all other forms. But mostly women. Through these men, I have learned so much… including learning that I don’t want to think. It is better to feel. To understand without thinking. To erase the majority of society’s programming.
I am grateful for increased awareness. I feel immortal. I sleep less. I eat less. I feel fantastic. I am no longer afraid to tell her what I want from her. Or to walk away from obligations, or responsibilities that really don’t matter.
Finally, oh my Lord, I am grateful for feminine curves. Every single one of them. Every woman that walks by… I feel a stirring. And I love it. There’s a smile, a curve, a secret… is it so wrong to want to fuck every one of you? Isn’t that what we’re here for? It is as if she wore that red lipstick, and that dress, just for me.

The Spinners