Saturday, February 29, 2020, 10:36 pm
Leap Day magic's all around

How did you spend your extra day? Did you take a leap? Do something you wouldn’t normally do?
Like go commando? Listen to rap music? Share dog pictures with the mayor? Complete the New York Times crossword? Suck in your gut while peeing? Withdraw your retirement? Move to Spain?
Leap Day is my second favorite holiday, right behind the day of an extra hour of sleep... it’s the day, once every four years, when Leap Day William rises from the Mariana Trench and trades children’s tears for candy!
Maybe you experienced a Leap Day miracle!
Leap Day capped off a truly fantastic week, including great times with some truly beautiful young women.
Earlier in the week, this Latina beauty I’m acquainted with commented she was saving her money to buy a car. Or another tattoo. I had to ask if she was craving the pain, and she said she wasn’t—that it hurt so bad—but she kinda wanted to be covered with tattoos.
Then she asked what I thought about that. I told her it depends on how pretty the girl is... that if she’s ugly, sure, cover that shit up! But if she’s pretty, it seems like a waste.
She blushed and called me mean. So mean!
Then later, she bought me a cheeseburger and a cream slush.
Good, she didn’t miss that I actually called her pretty. I’m curious to see where this goes.
And now, there is a leap I’ve made. To finally stop writing about living. To actually redesign my life... and live.
I’m terrified. Yet, for years I’ve said, “Risk is your friend.”
It’s time to embrace that sentiment, close my eyes, and jump right in.

Brand New Bitch