Saturday, February 15, 2020, 11:25 pm

A Hopi Indian word meaning life out of balance.
A truer word has never been spoken.
A battle has been raging on inside me for... well, for a long, long time. I’m continuously on this quest for something more. For enlightenment. For excellence. Perhaps even for perfection, even though it often becomes the enemy of excellence.
So I read. I travel. I crave knowledge. Yet something is missing.
I have a hunger for experience. This is a critical part of the balance I seek.
I now know that this developmental detour will help me find my way. That designing the life I dream of is within reach... in fact, it is closer than I ever imagined. Which is great, because, after all, I am not getting any younger. Yet time—and life—marches on.
In a world, where most have allowed their dreams to die, or have been paid off to forget them, mine are reawakened. A spark has ignited. Our dreams don’t have to die... yet they do require clarity to achieve them.
This weekend, I noticed a post that stated most billionaires did not make their money young, that it happened later in life.
To that end, there is no better time to flesh out the biggest dreams & visions I have for myself; to gain that clarity; and to take a leap of faith and design the life that I want. Plus, I have a band of brothers who will stand with me. Who will fillet me when I am off course and being a jackass. Yet, who will encourage me with love and success.
Dreams. Are. Within. Reach.
Don’t be discouraged... it’s always darkest before the dawn.

Will to Power
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