Wednesday, April 1, 2020, 11:22 am
To be continued...

I did a thing today.
Today, is a rare travel day for me—even rarer given the state of the world we live in. Airports (and airplanes) are like shopping malls... open, yet mostly empty and strikingly few places to buy anything.
At least one can get water. And apples.
Anyway, I was drawn to the flight attendant on this mornings flight. More so than usual... enough that I was compelled to do something about it.
She. is. dazzling.
I did not even catch her name. If she said it, I missed it as the fans in the lavatory were so loud that I could tell she was talking over the PA, but that is all.
So, I was impulsive. I wrote a quick note—from the heart and quickly before I could think too much about it—and left her my phone number as a challenge, for the next time she was overnight in my fair city. Plus, my name, for the slightly less daring challenge of finding me on the Facebook.
That was within the first thirty minutes of the red-eye... while everyone slept with the lights down low. It also gave me two hours to think (agonize?) about it, and potentially talk myself out of it.
I won’t lie, I went through a lot of emotion and feelings. I even felt a bit nauseous. Yet, the compulsion was strong. This. is why I’m here. It’s likely I will never see this girl again. Then it occurred to me... IT’S LIKELY I WILL NEVER SEE THIS GIRL AGAIN—UNLESS I take the chance.
So, I did. I’ll admit, I’m not a huge fan of notes—I felt like I was back in high school, passing it to a crush! However, de-planing is frequently chaotic, and had I held up the line I’d have likely kept going.
Plus, if she didn’t toss it, she has my number. She has my name. She may pick up the piece of paper later today and feel compelled to act. To be continued... so to speak.
As my nerves are settling down, I feel I understand the spirit behind “You won’t know unless you try” just a little bit more. And, if it turns out that she’s not my girl... at least the experience didn’t kill me.
Yes, she is dazzling. And this is the chance for something special.
It may be nothing, yet it may be something.