As today marks 800 days without Facebook—and now roughly a month without Snapchat nor Instagram—it seems appropriate to celebrate.
I am relying on phone numbers and text messaging again. I am enjoying meeting women in real life again. I am enjoying actual conversation.
I never understood the magic of Twitter. I’m clearly not their target audience. Nor TikTok. Too video, didn’t click.
Yet I have logged more than my fair share of minutes (hours?) in the Facebook. The Snapchat. The Insta.
Oddly, of those three. Instagram is the one I miss.
And it is the one of which I don’t even know many of whom I follow—even if it feels like I do.
Of course, a couple of disadvantages have appeared to not being on social media...
When a friend died last month, I didn’t find out about it until after her funeral... which I could have attended.
And those groups. A place where like-minded people can share and discuss. If only, one could avoid that news feed. And those incessant notifications.
Let’s not forget the chicken sandwich war.
As a friend pointed out to me on Friday morning, I could be using the Facebook as a way for the beautiful women I meet to find me.
This never dawned on me. I always knew I wasn’t their target audience either, but my privacy was always so locked down because of the people I DIDN’T want to find me.
Had I not been so... difficult... perhaps Jen might have looked me up there. Perhaps she did, only to find... nothing.
His suggestion: use LinkedIn for that purpose. LinkedIn is yet another social network I don’t use... I hadn’t logged in for over two years... but that may be a viable option.
It was there, where I found the nugget below: (shamelessly stolen, of course, but oh, so appropriate)
Never did I think I could do w/o this app. But, as with anything in life, things change.
What once connected the world, & brought business opportunity... has now become a place of division, righteousness, and some billionaire playing God w/ our content. This is no longer the app I knew & loved, & as w/ anything that does not serve my highest good—it had to go.
Do yourself a favor, delete yourself from the matrix. It may seem as if the world is falling apart. That a dystopian world of control is our destiny.
I lend you this reminder... WE are the ones with the power. WE are the ones with the numbers. WE are in control.
And though I cried remembering what this app means to me, and how it forever changed my life, I followed it with a smile, knowing this action, deleting this app... is being multiplied by millions across the globe.
Hello new world, hello great awakening, goodbye, and thank you, to Facebook.
What i'm listening to:

Born Without a Heart
Born Without a Heart