Thursday, September 28, 2006, 7:46 am
Jelly doughnut...

Still tired.
Last night was mildly disappointing. As can be expected with fabulous flair bartenders, the best barkeep in town is now in Minneapolis. So, i'll have to find someone who can make a decent Old Fashioned without me having to tell him/her how... and the days when i say "Surprise me" may not be so pleasant.
So, last night i played it safe... Vodka neat.
My sleep was unperturbed by dreams, but i don't know if i quite slept long enough. Now i'm starting to wonder if the change in the weather is in part responsible for my fatigue.
I'm starting to stay in bed a li'l longer in the morning because i don't want to get out from under the warm covers.
Combine that with the fact that i'm still not eating at 'before' time levels... in fact i'm barely eating more than i was two months ago. Maybe my body is running out of reserves? I no longer have a belly, and the fat is gone from my arms and legs... so it stands to reason i'm going to have to get my diet back in order very soon.
I'm ready to step up my workouts to daily... so what i think i should do is figure out how many calories i'll need per day, and base my diet on that. If i go a li'l over... it shouldn't hurt too bad, right?
I'll have to email R and find out if she has any plans for Friday night... there will almost certainly be food involved there. Then on Saturday i have a couple of parties i'm obligated to attend... and i don't think it is yet appropro to invite R. Otherwise, i'd have much rather spent the whole day in Kansas City. Sunday will be dedicated to my homework... history and English both need my attention for the upcoming couple of weeks.
So, last night i had to have a drink that Janet used to make me... Chris, the barkeep last night hadn't had one, so he made one as well. The Jelly Doughnut. It is a pretty incredible shot that tastes just like a jelly doughnut, but is probably much, much better for you. Something about deep-fat frying...
He suggested it would be a good shot to buy for a young lady. I couldn't disagree with him.
Tonight we'll see if he makes a good Blue Crush. Maybe night life after Colin and Janet won't be so bad after all... =^\

Knee Deep in the Hoopla