Sunday, January 20, 2019, 9:24 am
Sorting out life

Clearly, I need to use this space and write out my thoughts more often. So much has happened, and there’s still so much more to process.
The mouth-breather menace has returned, and with it I have found myself missing the gym, sleeping more, and hiding out in the house—being non-social. I can scarcely recall a January passing by without this unwelcome visitor. Hopefully, she won’t stay long.
In addition to sorting thoughts and writing, I need to revisit pen-and-paper and sort out my current project, which has stalled. Getting it completed is essential, as some of my spending and re-investing in myself is on hold in the interim. At least I’ve started keeping a list... no sense in losing brilliant ideas to the ether of amnesia.
I continue to add amazing and beautiful ladies into my life. Even though it seems hopeless/pointless at times, I am getting better at this. I am excited to see where it goes.
Especially with this new girl...
Seriously, sometimes a girl is a true dime: so beautiful inside and out—yet something is missing. In some cases it’s magnetism. In others, it’s passion. Rarely, but it happens, she’s just too damned innocent.
Then there’s the beauty that comes over and you snort a line of coke off her ass. Now, she’s fun.
Yet, sometimes there’s the girl who clicks with you. You hit it off instantly, and you just get each other. It’s like you’ve known her for 1,000 years. This girl, she’s like that.
Admittedly, I am that guy who falls in love with every girl I cross paths with—whether it’s for five minutes or fifty years. Why would I ever deny this?
Sometimes, she cannot help but fall in love.
Rather than looking at this year as another rebuilding year, I’m reframing that attitude. After all, aren’t they all rebuilding years?
Accepting that each day, girl, project, etc. I am starting from zero. Every day is a struggle challenge. Every girl is the opportunity to create something special. Every project is another step closer to dreams realized.
Live for the present, and the future will look after itself.
Wise words. Everything happens now.

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