Monday, August 19, 2019, 5:51 pm
Inflight entertainment

One benefit of my former life I miss—perhaps the most—is the frequent air travel. As mentioned before, I’d gladly spend the rest of my life on the road... meeting new people and seeing great places.
Am I seeking escape? Perhaps...
I am still amazed at how tech-savvy and social-media-infused our society has become. In flight, no one really talks anymore. Everyone stares blankly into their screens... craving that next rush of endorphins from that funny meme or shocking video.
We can’t be bothered to get to know the person sitting next to us. Why risk the rejection? Why find out she does (or doesn’t) want to talk? There’s a world of people we know (or don’t) hiding behind their screens and only sharing the funny and/or shocking on the Facebook.
So, what’s a former social-media-junkie like myself to do?
Especially since I project.
In my case, I have a hard time opening up the lovely young lady sitting next to me, because most of the time I don’t want to be bothered. If I feel that way, why doesn’t everyone else?
That is a flaw in the human condition: if I believe something is true for me, why wouldn’t it be true for everyone else?
Then, there are those moments fate intervenes. Today, there was another plane blocking our arrival gate. I mentioned I had a grueling ten-hour layover to endure, and she told me she was battling a one-hour layover with her connecting flight departing a different terminal.
I hope she made her flight. We connected... for about twenty minutes. I like her.
Then again, I like them all.
Why are so many guys, perhaps moreso the “intelligent” guys, so intimidated by beauty?
After wandering around a major airport for the past seven hours, I can attest to how ridiculous this is.
Spend a day in the airport. Beauty is common. Beauty is everywhere.
Share a smile with her. Start a conversation. Create a connection.
Or don’t. And wonder why you never get what you want in life.
Today, is another good opportunity to move forward. Forgive myself any perceived failures. Step out of my comfort zone. Accept and neutralize the toxicity in my life. Edge toward that goal of a transient life. Of meeting new people. Of loving all women. Of steering the ship. Of following my destiny.
Stop existing and living the life of the walking dead. Live life.

Ava Max
Sweet but Psycho