Tuesday, July 26, 2016, 6:41 pm
It is time...

Maybe I’ll hold my breath and jump right in.
Maybe I’ll hold my breath and jump right in.

Not Your Kind of People
dilletantism, romanticism, charlatanism
Maybe I’ll hold my breath and jump right in.
Maybe I’ll hold my breath and jump right in.
Ever encounter someone with such perfect tits that you just know you’re going to think about her all day?
The way they hang perfectly with no support? The way they shape the loose sleeveless shirt around them, with an oh-so-subtle hint of sideboob?
Simply mesmerizing.
That moment when you realize you just talked to the girl you’re going to marry.
If I believed in that sort of thing, that is...
I’d like to preface this commentary by stating that speeding through work zones is no joke. The people that are working mere inches away from your flying hunk of steel are trading time for money for things... just like you and I. Please don’t kill them.
I’m noticing a disturbing trend. Something that can only be explained as a decision made by some governmental entity.
This year, I’m noticing that the work zones are miles longer than the actual area worked on. Plus, the schedules are much longer. Plus, they're putting out signs (especially speed limit signs) and cones on the side of the road weeks before you see any workers, or evidence of work being done.
Ugh, really?
This reeks of struggling local governments sticking their grubby li’l hands in the till of summer. It’s like someone had this brilliant idea:
How can we get our hands on more revenue?
The speed zones in construction areas always does well.
Great, Jones! How can we expand on that?
Well, the standard highway project runs at least three months. Why don’t we schedule it to actually run from April through November... after all, the weather IS always a factor in completing these on time, right? AND, we’ll leave the reduced speed limit through that entire window.
Excellent! But I don’t want to pay workers for seven months... how do we handle that?
How about this. We’ll set up for the work zone with a minimum complement of workers for the first six weeks. We’ll run surveys with existing staff, and we’ll finally be ready to ramp it up after we’ve had the barrels up for eight weeks.
Fantastic! That’s an inspired start, but there has to be something we’re missing...
Okay, how’s this sound. We’re always concerned about the safety of our workers. Let’s expand the work zone to have another mile or two buffer between normal highway speeds and where the work will actually begin. An added perk is: this will give more areas for patrol to sit safely and nab speeders.
That’s perfect! Make it so... and tell our neighboring states what we’ve done. We’ll all make budget yet!
Seriously... this conversation is not out of the realm of possibility these days. Watch your work zones, folks!
And no, I have not been ticketed in a speed zone. If you do get ticketed with the “double fine,” check your local laws or with a lawyer. Several states only allow the double fine when workers are present. Fight that bad boy in court!
And sometimes, you just have to give her the gift of missing you...
That moment when you show up at a “private” party you were invited to only to find several hundred people there.
As someone who’s barely socialized... well, I haven’t decided if I’m going back or not.
We’ll see. I’m supposed to constantly test and step outside of my comfort zone.
But this felt like falling 10,000 feet outside of my comfort zone.
A good opportunity to break out my “I hate everyone” t-shirt?