"Think too much and it all goes away."
Those words have been a major influence on my life since first hearing them last winter. Actually, i had heard them before... but i never stopped to think about them. In 1986, i was 13 and didn't really think too much about anything.
But what's frustrating about those words... and how true they ring... is that i still can't stop thinking about, well, everything!
I guess it is how i'm wired. There are still moments when i think and think and think. In some ways, this rubbed off on C... because when she didn't think about things, she was happy. When she found out what kinds of things ran through my mind... well, i taught her how to think about things... and that is probably, at least partially, responsible for the demise of our relationship.
Anyway, last night i figured something out... something that shook me to the core.
Every woman in my life has made the first move. From M1 to M2 to S to A to K to C to T. And now there's R. Maybe this is ok, and i shouldn't give it anymore thought.
Yeah, like that will happen!
So, am i drawn to assertive women who know what they want and go after it? Am i not assertive enough? Is there a reason that i don't have a good track record with women when i make the first move?
I was discussing this with a friend last night. I really need to be assertive and close the deal. Just once. I think once is all it would take to demonstrate to myself that i can do it. Perhaps i keep stopping short of closing the deal for a reason... i don't know. There is always an excuse, i suppose.
On a side note, the new iTunes sucks! It actually looks very cool, and it would work fabulously for those who auto-update their iPods.
However, i consider myself a power user. Add to that the fact i have two iPods (i purchased a nano after discovering that my 3G iPod is heavy enough to pull my shorts down when i'm running!), i need just a little bit more. Oddly, iTunes 4-6 provided me with just what i needed.
I think the Library 'feature' in iTunes is pretty much worthless... always have. I have enough music files that i keep them structured on their own partition in an elaborate folder structure on the file system. While iTunes lets me create playlists, it doesn't let me organize the library from the root... which is what i would prefer.
So, i've always been happy with the fact i could just drop music files from the Finder straight onto the iPod.
With iTunes 7, that li'l feature no longer exists. What's frustrating is it *acts* like it is putting the song on the iPod, but when i look at the music library on the iPod it isn't there.
Now to put songs on my iPod, i have to add them to the library... which means when i dock my nano next, the same songs will also be added to it. Not very handy when the music library exceeds the two gigabyte capacity of the nano.
Generally i save the full albums for the iPod and put only high energy and favorite songs on the nano... for workouts. But i cannot organize the iTunes music library in that fashion.
It's just very frustrating. Tonight i will attempt to roll my iTunes back to 6 and see if that helps. Perhaps i should pass this nugget on to Apple as well, they may have so few users who drag and drop from other applications that they may not even realize that feature was omitted from the current product!
Anyway, time to resume life... and try not to think about it so much!
What i'm listening to:

True Confessions