Thursday, September 21, 2006, 8:14 pm
Recognizing chemistry?

So, when will i learn to recognize this chemistry i seem to have with certain women?
Last year, it seemed like T had to practically throw herself at me before i realized she was interested. She was inviting me to little functions, arranging to be at the same open houses i was, letting me use her theatre tickets when she was not...
All of that ended up creating something that was both very, very good... and very, very bad.
Now, this week... out of the blue i get an email from R. She barely knows me, but she had seen Stanley Kubrick's The Shining for the first time, and sent me an email asking questions about my road trip last month.
How do i know R? I bought an iMac from her on eBay. eBay and online dating... who knew? =^)
However, i would be lying if i said that we didn't hit it off. I really enjoyed talking to her, and she is very easy on the eyes. But, i didn't think i really sensed anything.
Well, she did think of me... she did email me to ask a totally random question.
And after my response, she did invite me out to hang with her and her friends.
It's a start, anyway... i don't know what, if anything will happen... and i'd like to believe i'm learning not to get my hopes up too high. However, an invitation would seem to indicate she would at least like to get to know me better.
So, who knows? At the very least, i could make some new friends! Now that is something definitely worth looking forward to!
On a side note, this hotel in Nebraska i'm staying at is far from five-star. I went down to the lounge to have a drink, but the bartender must've been on break, 'cos there was no one behind the bar. I didn't think to take quarters down for the pool table either... but after returning to my room to fetch some change, i decided it just isn't worth it. What if the bartender is off for the night?
At least this place has free Wi-fi! =^) And this city has a Winchell's... home of the world's perfect doughnut. It is too bad i can't have any doughnuts with my new weight loss goals.
Too bad, because i'm going to have one anyway. One a day for three days can't kill me, right? =^)