Sunday, March 12, 2017, 6:45 pm
Elusive clarity...

What is it about clarity?
Maybe this says something about my current #shittyJob, but I find my moments of clarity painfully few and far between.
Then, on those occasions I take a 3-day weekend, get in the car, and drive—it happens.
Beautiful. Remarkable. Clarity.
It’s like seeing the matrix. Everything becomes so obvious. Everything I’ve missed. Everything I need to do. Everything to find the good life. Everything to live the good life.
I take notes. I take action. Get some balls rolling. Take advantage of this newfound motivation.
But, inevitably work calls... and I find myself back at #shittyJob. The fog settles in. The co-worker negativity sets in. The motivation slips away... replaced with dreams of a #goodJob. The apathy that settles in realizing that #goodJob doesn’t equal a good life, yet no desire remains to get on the life path.
Only to get by.
Oh, if only I could bottle up that clarity for moments like this.
I need it. Imagine, the ability to drink some instant clarity after enduring ten hours of drudgery at #shittyJob and find a just a little. bit. more. Spark that desire.
Hopefully, simply being aware of these dips can make this happen, wake me up, enable me to escape this life and find/live the good life. We shall see.
Is NZT a real thing yet?

The Seventh One