Friday, April 28, 2023, 9:23 am
It's your birthday...

Today is another birthday.
No, not mine... the birthday of a loved one.
She’s no longer interested in celebrating either.
Imagine, celebrating the day all of your troubles started.
Yeah, it’s kind of like that. Yet, I’m okay with not making it to the next one. Unlike most people. At least in my observations.
So many are afraid to live. And afraid to die. Even those nearing the finish line.
Me? Memento Mori. Bring it on.
I have few regrets. I am still satisfied if I die without ever setting foot in Alabama or Tennessee. If I never taste another pancake with maple syrup. Even, if I never find myself inside another Moldovan beauty.
Although, the latter I’d love to experience. She may be the one that keeps me going.
I don’t need to mark, nor celebrate, trips around the sun to achieve that goal.
Anyway, happy birthday, beautiful. We won’t celebrate, yet I will manage to get you a couple of small tokens I picked up.