Thursday, January 25, 2018, 10:25 am
Tic Tac, sir?

Apparently, you’re not supposed to chew Tic Tacs.
Who knew?
I’m not the only one who eats them this way, am I? For breakfast?
dilletantism, romanticism, charlatanism
Apparently, you’re not supposed to chew Tic Tacs.
Who knew?
I’m not the only one who eats them this way, am I? For breakfast?
It is urgent that YOU contact us concerning your eligibility for lowering your interest rate to as little as 6.9%. Your eligibility expires shortly, so please consider this your FINAL notice.
Emphasis mine.
Okay, YOU called me. Why should I contact you? And FINAL notice? If only! I’ve been receiving this robocall for years now, nearly one a day, in spite of being on being on the no call lists. PLEASE let these notices stop!
Having a telephone would be so much more pleasant, if these kinds of calls disappeared—completely.
Unfortunately, I can only imagine they will continue to increase. It’s too easy for these lecherous companies to get every. available. phone. number. out there. And with no actual employees making the calls, the overhead must be super low. I imagine a single hit out of ten million calls is a thousand percent profit... or more.
Still, one can dream. I’m just thrilled modern phones have both Do Not Disturb and Call Blocking.
Speaking of... those ads for the iPhone X. iOS and the phone itself does nothing for me—but that camera. My. God. Can I justify spending a grand simply for that camera?
Especially with that interest rate.
Are you kidding? With APR like that, I could just die!
This morning, I had a nugget of great advice waiting for me in my inbox.
The best advice I got from a sales rep is to 1) get paid and, more importantly, 2) be unapologetic about your price. Nearly every time I have had the courage to follow that advice it has surprisingly paid off.
As long as I can remember, I have been generous to a fault. In fact, I’ve had close friends tell me I’m an idiot, as some business associates have taken advantage of my generosity.
Gene Simmons would not be proud.
So, for today’s uncomfortable act, I fired a client. It is time.
Does it feel good? Not necessarily, but it does feel as if a huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders. Of course, it’s not quite over—I gave her forty-five days. Yet I should feel no guilt about cutting loose the client who pays the least, yet demands the most of my time for support.
I need to stop telling girls I don’t believe in love.
Not because it isn’t true.
Because it makes them determined to prove me wrong.
I may never get rid of some of these girls.
Thank God for fake phone numbers.
I’m aware that, in the past, I’ve tended to leave things unfinished... so this year, I resolv
Yeah, it’s kind of like that. I make fun of myself, because of my tendency for incompletion. However, now, looking at a new year, and the success of my resolutions from last year, I am looking forward to what the new year will bring... and the challenges.
There’s a certain je ne sais quoi, to getting something done. Something meaningful.
Yet, before we move on, let’s raise a toast. To reading. To setting a goal to read fifty books in one year, and to actually reading sixty-five books, front-to-back, before the year’s end.
And now, the list—read in 2017:
Happy New Year!