Thursday, July 23, 2020, 11:15 am

The following quote struck me as quite profound:
If we become a country in which we all say, “Please tell me how to live,” we’re doomed.
What strikes me as most interesting, is that society never learns, politicians are practically criminal—especially in their understanding of the life of the common citizen, and the power of the media—or stupid people in large numbers—is nearing absolute.
The future strongly resembles the past, as that profound nugget was uttered at the end of the documentary on US Prohibition. Nearly one-hundred years later, and we still have learned nothing.
I am terrified for the future, yet for now I shall continue to live in the present.
My life? Amidst all of this? It’s not bad.
In fact, for the last few years, I can honestly and enthusiastically say I am living my best life.
That has not changed. Although a lot has within society.
To society I say, “Good luck.”
And I shall continue to find my schooner, with which to sail around the world. And enjoy life.