Wednesday, January 17, 2018, 11:05 am
Get paid

This morning, I had a nugget of great advice waiting for me in my inbox.
The best advice I got from a sales rep is to 1) get paid and, more importantly, 2) be unapologetic about your price. Nearly every time I have had the courage to follow that advice it has surprisingly paid off.
As long as I can remember, I have been generous to a fault. In fact, I’ve had close friends tell me I’m an idiot, as some business associates have taken advantage of my generosity.
Gene Simmons would not be proud.
So, for today’s uncomfortable act, I fired a client. It is time.
Does it feel good? Not necessarily, but it does feel as if a huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders. Of course, it’s not quite over—I gave her forty-five days. Yet I should feel no guilt about cutting loose the client who pays the least, yet demands the most of my time for support.

The Cars