Tuesday, January 30, 2024, 7:21 pm
Magnificent wiener

Some mornings, it’s simply a treat to wake up...
With a firm...
Hot dog...
In between her buns.
dilletantism, romanticism, charlatanism
Some mornings, it’s simply a treat to wake up...
With a firm...
Hot dog...
In between her buns.
With no further ado, and without fanfare, I present the books read in 2023.
Oh, the games we play with ourselves!
For instance, I excel at hiding things from myself. Truly!
And I tell myself I HATE when I do this.
Yet, clearly I do not. For why would I continue to play a game that I hate? Is that not… madness?
I must love the mystery in rediscovering what safe place I decided to store that item.
I must. What fun!