Monday, September 30, 2019, 7:16 pm
Life after

This summer was certainly... interesting.
I, for one, am glad it is over. And the experiment that went along with it. It is true, some people cannot be helped. Some people do not welcome change into their lives.
Sadly, even if they aren’t really living their life.
Oh, well. She’s gone now. I’m not going to dwell on what did—or didn’t—happen this summer. As I’m taking inventory of my life, it’s readily apparent that it is time to move on.
And that pleases me.
At least I have grown somewhat this summer. I discovered that sometimes finding your purpose can simply be: find your purpose. I have learned a little about how to confront someone who has invaded your life. I have learned how to say, “NO.” I have learned how to walk away from madness. I have learned that some “missing” material items are sometimes a small price to pay for solving problems.
Although, I do miss my hair dryer.
Being stuck for a large portion of the summer reignited my passion for travel, as well as reaffirmed my desire to sell my life—so that I may live.
Now that I have reclaimed my freedom, it is time to move forward. Life awaits!

Daryl Hall & John Oates
Abandoned Luncheonette