Thursday, December 20, 2007, 1:58 pm
Checkmate in two moves...

It's time for something new. I think keeping this blog has been fun, and it has certainly helped me evolve into someone new... but it is time to move on.
Besides, no one reads it anyway... if they do, they don't comment. That's ok though... I'm not doing it for anyone but myself. I really don't care who reads it, gets offended, whatever. Those "approval seeking" days are behind me.
However, those days of wasting time that could be spent doing something productive are also passing... hence the end of this blog. I have considered that if I'm going to continue journaling, I may as well do it online... but it is just as easy to keep a notebook under my mattress, is it not? ;^)
I may still journal, and in the interest of continuing to improve myself, I may commit to writing a blog later. However, it's going to have to be about something.
Something I'm passionate about. Not just a vehicle for my narcissism. Or my "emo" alter-ego on those days. Perhaps those days are behind me as well.
Howver, I have a couple more things on my list to write about... with any luck I'll get the last two posts up before the end of the year.
Will it matter? I'm not sure, I'm installing Wordpress in January for the new blog, and I haven't decided if this one will get moved or if I'll just allow it to fade away. I'm leaning towards the latter...
Anyway, it's been fun... but I'm terribly excited about the journey ahead. I'm moving into Narcissist 2.0... which should be tremendous! I have a lot to look forward to, not the least of is a three week stay in Greece!
Plus, I'm *almost* ready for prime time. It's about time!
And thank God I'm only watching the game – controlling it – Murray Head - One Night in Bangkok

Leona Naess
I Tried to Rock You But You...