Thursday, December 6, 2007, 4:25 pm
Suddenly, everything was perfect again...

Ok, so I wrote out a blog entry yesterday, but somehow it never got posted.
Or saved.
Whatever, it wasn't that good anyway. I was crabby yesterday, or as Tammy would say, "You're cranky."
Cranky. Crabby. Whatever.
Not today!
It snowed.
It snowed. If only you had seen my eyes light up when I looked out my front door this morning to find this. Snow!
Absolutely my favorite time of the year! Now that we've had the first snow... everything is perfect again!
Even the annoying Kansas drivers couldn't kill my mood this morning. Nor the job. Nor the homework. Not projects. Not mean people. Nothing.
Tonight, I shall make it a point to go outside and play a little bit before resuming my history projects.
It's the most wonderful time of the year... =^D

End of Fashion
End of Fashion