Monday, February 27, 2017, 9:18 pm
Don't lose yourself...

Tonight, I was reminded of something I’d lost in the last decade.
Never settle.
It’s so easy to let go of the dream. To become complacent. To lose that drive. And in the process, it becomes too easy to lose your identity. To lose who you are.
This. This is where I am right now. But now that I’m aware of it, it’s never too late to find my way back. To find that one thing. That one thing that drives me.
To find passion. To chase dreams. To never settle.
My life coach, a couple of friends, and a few other mentors all suggest putting together a “dream board.” For the uninitiated, this is a board you paste goals of everything that’s important for you to achieve. Then you place the dream board someplace conspicuous so it is constantly reminding you of your dreams... and helping you to get there.
After all, I don’t want to be rich for the same reasons as the other men—the cars, the houses, the women.
Okay, maybe they are the same reasons.
Tonight, I was reminded of that beautiful blue-eyed blondes with just the right amount of freckles between their breasts exist. Tonight, I was reminded that such beauty is common. Tonight, I was reminded that if I know what I want... there is no reason I cannot have such a beauty in my life. Sharing my life. Sharing my dream. Sharing my happiness.
Why can’t I have it all? Why can’t you? Yes, you.
It’s time. Time to find myself. Time to go after what I want. Time to get it.
Stay driven.

Prince & the Revolution
Purple Rain