Friday, December 7, 2007, 1:20 pm
If you could have anything...

If you are reading this... I have a question for you.
Here is your challenge, should you choose to accept it. You stumble upon a bottle on the beach. You pick it up, and rub the dust off of it onto your sleeve. The lid pops off and it begins to smoke.
Before you know it, a genie has appeared and is offering to grant you three wishes.
What do you wish for?
I'm not sure why, but I've been thinking about what I would wish for if this happened to me. I don't necessarily believe in having wishes magically granted, but I think that knowing what you would wish for helps you set goals to strive for.
Especially if you take some time and think about what you would really like to have. As people, it is human nature to want more. It's frustrating in a way, because many of the things we think we want, don't really do anything for us when we get them.
Then, there are people who get everything they want... there's no challenge for it in them. When something does challenge them, they don't even know how to perform to get through it.
So, tell me... what would you wish for if you could have three wishes?

Kim Wilde
Another Step