Saturday, January 28, 2017, 10:27 am
Stories: enjoy the journey

So, today I travelled a couple hundred miles from home to indulge in breakfast at my absolute favorite coffee shop. Sadly, the shop is closing next week, but the next part of the owners’ and employees’ journey will certainly be just as rewarding and exciting.
Having said that, I will certainly miss them. The service was always incredible, and I feel like I’ve connected with the staff here... in spite of the distance and the infrequency of my visits.
I’m currently reading The Happiness Project, and it’s providing me with some profound insights into myself and my life. It’s an admirable mission to strive for happiness, although it may oftentimes require a bit of soul searching. In it, the author has her twelve commandments she lives by and keeps returning to when encountering obstacles, the first of which is “Be Gretchen.”
Be you.
That’s powerful, isn’t it?
I have always enjoyed road trips, whether in small, fun groups or in solitude. For me, it has always been about the journey... not the destination. That’s not to say I don’t have dreams or goals, I’m just enjoying the ride. Sometimes, I’m afraid that the journey often distracts me from achieving the dream or the goal—a very real possibility, so I’m still striving to find that balance between enjoying the adventure and making progress towards something that will, at the very least, support my habit.
Which is why I’m okay with today’s adventure. It gave me a moment to visit some people I genuinely care about, and to wish them well. It gave me an opportunity to leisurely enjoy breakfast. I’m sitting in a rocking chair by the fireplace, just reading my book, writing this post, and sipping my Earl Grey.
Some days, life is pretty good. Actually, most days are if you take a step back and put each day in perspective.
Enjoy life. Enjoy yourself. Be you.