Saturday, August 26, 2017, 6:22 am
The extinction of man

Man’s greatest motivating force is his desire to please women!
Re-read that. Think about it. Let it sink in. Isn’t it true?
That quote is taken from Hill’s Think and Grow Rich. An old book? Certainly. Is it outdated? Perhaps. Yet maybe not.
Men are rapidly losing their last remaining utilities to the species... and both intelligent and unintelligent men are working to speed up the process.
Women, especially in this country, are determined to prove they don’t need a man. Some go so far as to say men are evil and they “don’t need a man.”
Take the scene that opens the movie Roger Dodger. In it, Roger explains that men are becoming unnecessary in the modern world. Men are only useful for their sense of direction and their strength. He even debunks his boss’s comment that men remain useful for sex and procreation.
If you haven’t seen the movie, do. At least the opening scene.
Evolution is moving towards humans becoming a single sex species. Science is working to get there a bit faster—perhaps even within my lifetime. Once women can conceive a child without the male’s sperm, sex will only be for fun. Then, she’ll discover she’d rather have the sex with women.
Women already outnumber men on the planet, so it’s only natural we’re headed in that direction.
And men. Some of you are actually assisting it.
Let’s face it. There aren’t many young men today that are even half the “man” their mothers (or grandmothers) are. Men are assuming women’s roles in the home, reducing their utility to servitude.
It shows. There are too many weak men out in the wild. Society is tailoring itself to cater to the weak and punish the strong... sometimes simply for being strong. Yet, when I go out to the club, picking up your woman is easy—too easy. It doesn’t matter if you’re casual, dating, or even married. She craves the love of a strong man. She’ll continue to see me, before returning to you and your bed.
And about that “sense of direction” thing? Is it relevant? Women still lack being able to point north without looking around, but today’s smartphones can alleviate any embarrassment of being lost. Hell, future men will lose the ability due to dependence on technology.
Just having a cell phone has hindered my ability to recall phone numbers.
Let’s return to the initial statement. Men only desire to please women.
That’s it. That’s what puts value in love, sex, romance. That’s why we work, build, create. Sure, you women can join us in the working, building, and creating, but we’re doing it for you. And you’re doing it for you.
Someday, the last man on earth will die.
Women will be alone.
Women will finally have what they want. Or will they?

Def Leppard