Monday, June 5, 2017, 8:15 am
It Isn't

It is what it is.
We’ve all heard it. Hell, we probably all say it. It is what it is.
Well, something occurred to me last night. It isn’t.
That’s right. Take a step back and think about it. What if it ISN’T what it is? Or if it is what it ISN’T? And have I found nirvana? Or at least Zanzibar?
Seriously though, think about it. Everything we know about ourselves and the world is running through the interpretation of our mind. It’s our version of what we see. When it comes to the past, everyone writes fiction.
What really is real? This moment... never have I ever understood the power of now more.
Yet, in a way, it’s a shame I’m getting these thoughts down on a page. Why? When you learn that experience cannot be put into mere words without losing the experience... well, let’s put it this way. I just finished Radical Honesty, and it told the story of a 1-year-old boy watching a jet cross the sky. The boy watches the jet in fascination, taking in the noise, the feeling of disruption in the air, the shape of the plane, the speed, the sky, the trails dissipating in the sky. The boy remains enthralled until the plane disappears, then the trails.
Then, the boy’s mind files away the experience under A for Airplane. When he’s 3-years-old, he hears an airplane flying overhead. He may look up and take notice, or he may not. He thinks to himself, it’s an airplane. And he gets back to what he’s doing.
Reliving the experience is inefficient to the human machine. It no longer is what it is, it is what he thinks it is.
Take love, for instance. You meet someone new. There’s a spark. You get lost in her eyes. You feel everything and nothing all at once. You want to feel that way... forever.
But you can’t.
Feelings don’t work like that. The mind files away the feeling—the memory of the feeling. And you spend the rest of your relationship trying to re-capture that feeling. And you drive each other crazy in the process. Because if you think about that feeling... it’s gone.
The feeling of love between you and her can still bubble back up, but you just have to experience her. Don’t think about it. Just let whatever will be, be.
Maybe the only way it is what it is, is if it be what it be...

Jason Derulo
Everything Is 4