Tuesday, December 29, 2009, 3:17 pm
So, today I had lunch with my favorite girl. Interestingly, she didn’t realize that today is the anniversary of my birth. I don’t make a big deal out of it, but it did bring up the expected question.
She wondered how old I am.
Generally, if someone makes a guess I will tell them. However, she wouldn’t hazard a guess. She was afraid she’d get in trouble. I doubt it. I’m curious to know what she might have guessed...
However, I must admit I really, really enjoy not publicizing my age. I’ve learned that you are really only as old as the girls think you are. I’m cool with that!
I LOVE it!
Although, I’m still wondering what her guess would’ve been.
What i'm listening to:

What Is Love?
Howard Jones
Human's Lib
Monday, December 28, 2009, 1:18 pm
Jonathan Swift wrote in Polite Conversation something like this: “There are none so blind as those who will not see.”
Those words continue to ring loudly in my ears. If I don’t open my eyes, and soon, I will have blown it with every young lady in my life... perhaps even in the city.
Don’t dwell on it... just pay attention to her. Be with her, instead of being trapped in your head.
The symbolism in today’s post is two-fold. I’m finding that I need to regain vision. I’ve lost my way, and it comes through in my actions. At some point in the not-too-distant past, I’ve lost my passion... lost my joy.
I fully acknowledge this, and that I must find my passion and joy once again. It never ceases to amaze me how a rut can evolve into depression. Then everything that seemed so simple just falls apart.
It’s time to take the first steps. I’ve become addicted to information again... and I’m letting the quest for useless knowledge consume me. Countless hours are being spent on the markets page, entertainment blogs and Facebook. None of which are very productive.
I recall when I gave up information the last time. I remember the sense of tranquility and purpose I had when I wasn’t consumed with that which is totally out of my control, and that which has little effect on my life anyway. It's called an “information diet” and it does work in regaining focus on life.
So, I’m going to give it all up. None of it matters. NONE of it!
All that matters is taking life by the horns. It’s so much more rewarding to live life than to have life live me.
Wish me luck.
What i'm listening to:
