Wednesday, August 7, 2019, 9:24 am


Lesson for whole life. Whole life have a balance. Everything be better. Understand?

Lately, I have been seeking balance in my life.

It’s odd. I think there are moments when we find balance—we can even hold onto it for a bit—yet nature, being as chaotic as she is, blows us down and we have to regroup. And recalibrate.

Of course, decisions we make play into this. Good, bad, and otherwise. Whatever the decisions, finding balance requires that we accept the consequences for our decisions. Acceptance is key to escaping insanity.

Looking back at past entries in this space, I see that I needed a balance between abundance and scarcity. Yes, it is true there are other women out there... each one is lovely on her own. Yet, it is okay to like her. It is perfectly acceptable to miss her when she’s gone.

I like Clarissa. A lot. She’s no longer my girl, but she’s beautiful and fascinating and kind. She cared. Plus, she brought me cream slushes to work. I may never know what exactly happened, but she is wonderful and I wish her only the best.

Memories of her always make me smile.

Yes, there have been others since, and will continue to be others, but each one is special.

We require balance in other areas as well. I am sad for people who watch the news and are so afraid of dying that they forget to live their life. It is increasingly difficult to find harmony when these people are in your life.

And diet. I have been enjoying life free from ketosis for six days now, yet I strive to find a balance of healthy eating and cheat s days /s meals... to continue to enjoy the feeling I get when I’m not eating like a jackass, and occasionally enjoying one of Paulina’s amazing Tres Leches cupcakes, when appropriate.

Life is a journey. Balance helps make the journey extremely pleasant and zen-filled. I look forward to each day... and what it brings.