Wednesday, August 1, 2007, 1:26 pm
More on scarcity...

Yesterday, I stumbled upon a blog that was rather disturbing. On the surface, it appears to be written by a girl who misses her former boyfriend.
Upon further reading, it is her anonymous journal... a desperate attempt to stay in touch with a guy who's forbidden contact with her via restraining order.
What is it about our small sphere of existence that creates such a sense of scarcity that we can get so wrapped up in the wrong person?
Seriously, what is up with that? Granted, I'm just as guilty as some of these other people who's blogs I happen upon... but I'd like to think that my eyes have been opened.
So, what does it take to open more people's eyes? I just get this feeling that these people are so pathetic... but then I feel like a hypocrite, because I know I have been there.
Then I feel sorry for them, because I have no way of moving them safely to the place where I am now.
I accept that there are so many women out there, that all of the Miss Wrongs just don't matter. I can continue on my quest for Miss Right.
Or Miss Right Now. =^)
However, I have to admit that occasionally that cute co-worker walks by, and I know she wants me, but I don't dare.
I've learned, it is more trouble than it is worth. It doesn't matter how cute she is... I'll meet another. Besides, it's more about the game than the girl.
No, I'm not saying that the girls aren't important. They are. However, my focus needs to be on myself, on my state.
Ok, I'll stop rambling now.

Cyndi Lauper
She's So Unusual