Thursday, December 21, 2006, 7:14 pm
The mystery of chili and cinnamon rolls...

Ok, i just don't get it.
Oh, don't even bother. Plenty of people have tried to explain it to me... but i just don't get it.
Apparently, the highlight for Kansas school kids has always been "chili day" for school lunches. Everyone i've talked to that was raised in Kansas confirms this.
I guess the chili was nothing spectacular, but those cinnamon rolls... those were worth it!
And after all of those years of being conditioned... if one serves chili, cinnamon rolls are expected on the menu as well.
Personally, i think years ago some state superintendent of schools with a sense of humor (not unlike mine!) had a brilliant idea. Something he could do to "program" the students that would go undetected... but would stick with them for the rest of their lives.
"I know, let's make these kids associate chili with cinnamon rolls! Never again will they enjoy one without the other! Ha ha ha ha ha!" *evil maniacal laugh*
Brilliant... bloody brilliant!

Christina Aguilera
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