Wednesday, March 9, 2016, 11:39 pm

In this age of social media, there’s a lot out there that’s telling you to pursue your dreams. Never settle. You can do it.
Today, that’s bullshit.
I was offered a job today.
So, why am I pissed off? It sucks that I can’t completely answer that question.
I want a job that has potential. One with growth opportunities. I want the “dream job!”
I thought an employment agency could help... especially where I was failing.
And the agency has placed me in a permanent job.
In tech support.
There is NO tech support in my resume. I told my recruiter in the interview that I did not want tech support.
Apparently, I’m good at it.
The temp job had nearly a dozen techs performing tech support tasks over the last couple of months. Every other tech wanted it. They’re hungry.
They’ve all been passed over. I’m the chosen one.
So, why do I feel like total shit?
Because I don’t want it. I never wanted it. I feel like my recruiter betrayed me.
What got me through the last two months? KNOWING it was a temp job. KNOWING it would end. Now I’m sentenced to it.
Did I die? Is this purgatory? Is karma really THAT pissed at me?
The last two months of tech support, was a Monday through Friday, 8-5 gig. The permanent job means giving that up for the first time since the fast food days.
Does anyone escape tech support?
It’s not a beginning.
It’s an end.

Def Leppard