Monday, November 20, 2006, 7:54 am
Re-defining indiscretions...

About a month ago i was chatting on the phone with a good friend. I asked him what his definition of cheating was?
You see, for some it is a kiss on the lips. For others, it is only cheating when there is intercourse. For a chosen few, there are instances where intercourse doesn't mean cheating.
Anyway, his definition was pretty good... in my mind anyway. He said that a kiss should be considered cheating if there is a sexual meaning behind it.
So, if i were dating someone... yet i kiss D on the cheek (so far, it is only the cheek... but clearly, i am attracted to her), that could be interpreted as cheating.
I have another friend whom i would never ask that question to. I already know the answer. I also know he's on his second marriage.
And now for something completely different. I was speaking with my mum on Saturday, and she had a li'l nugget she stuck in my head.
Apparently this young lady i was quite friendly with ten years ago is available. Mum says she looks great!
Not surprising... "H" always looked great! =^)
Anyway, i'll have to look her up when i visit Mum in a couple of months. Who knows what could happen?
At the very least, i'm really looking forward to getting re-acquainted with an old friend. Certainly i cannot have too many friends!
Definitely something to look forward to!

Simon & Garfunkel
Bridge Over Troubled Water