Monday, December 4, 2006, 9:03 am
Leisure time with a bit of envy...

So, another work week begins. Add to that the last week of classes... i might just have some leisure time right around the corner!
Hopefully i can finish getting my house in order. That is my big plan for the break since i'll have a month with no homework to worry about... which is something i've not had since last winter break.
And, there's a week in there that the gym will be closed... =^(
Last evening, i got a twinge of envy from T about my weight loss. She was going on about how i've lost so much weight since we met in May and how she thinks she looks a little thick.
Please... she looks like a model! She's gorgeous! Anyone who tells her otherwise is smoking something!
I don't know if she believes me when i tell her i think she's amazing... but i do like the expression that flashes across her face when i say it. Whether she believes me or not, i do mean it.
I suppose i still am a bit shocked that she likes me and thinks i'm cute. So, in that regard i guess i see why she flusters at my compliments too.
At least she's a lot of fun to hang out with... and to get to know.
Anyway, she said she'd call sometime this week so we can get together... we'll see what happens! =^)

Gwen Stefani
The Sweet Escape