Thursday, December 7, 2006, 2:30 pm
Boob jobs on television...

Imagine my surprise when, while working out last night, i look up to the television to see a young lady disrobe and someone check out her breasts.
As it turns out, the Discovery channel has a show about medical procedures, and last night the focus was on plastic surgery.
I didn't think i'd see anything like that on television (outside of Nip/Tuck) since the Lifetime Medical channel disappeared many, many years ago from my lineup.
I suppose if i were a pre-med or med student, i might have watched with interest... rather than in awe. To be honest, i couldn't stay with it.
Don't get me wrong, i like breasts. I'll admit that i'm one of those people who doesn't really see the need women have to change them, because they are all wonderful... big or small!
(However, i don't know if i'd seriously date someone with freakishly huge ones.)
Give me a nice A, B, or C cup... and i'll be happy. =^)
I have to wonder why that programme was airing in the rec center of all places? It is no surprise that most of the women working out are at their most insecure/vulnerable at that point. I'd hate to think that lovely brunette on the treadmill last night might be thinking about implants after watching that show.
That would be a pity.
Please, keep it real ladies. No matter what anyone tells you, the fake ones just aren't the same. They don't look the same, don't behave the same... and they don't feel the same.
For what it's worth, married woman had implants... quite possibly the best boob job i'd ever seen because i couldn't tell until i'd felt them. Granted, i didn't see her lay down or turn upside down or anything... and they didn't feel as unnatural as some i'd felt in the past do.
There was that gal in Phoenix whose boobs felt like basketballs. Yes, that firm!
She was fun to fool around with, but i have to admit that i would constantly be concerned i might break the baggie inside.
I have to wonder if the "work" affects the sensation a woman feels. Doesn't it decrease the sensitivity? This is a major erogenous zone we are talking about here... my second favorite (to the ears)!
Anyway, contrary to what the Dread Pirate Robert says, there may be a shortage of perfect breasts in the world... but natural equals perfection in my book. You cannot achieve perfection through plastic.

Elton John
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