Sunday, January 30, 2022, 7:20 am

Life truly is remarkable.
There is so much beauty out there.
To admire.
To take in.
To plug in to.
Incredible. Simply incredible.
dilletantism, romanticism, charlatanism
Life truly is remarkable.
There is so much beauty out there.
To admire.
To take in.
To plug in to.
Incredible. Simply incredible.
I am still reading. A little.
Books affect me more than they used to. Some, it’s like their written about me. I find that alarming, not comforting, that either so many people have the same problems, or that I’m so damaged.
As such, I find I process what I read more. Which is good, I think.
After all, in the five years since I’ve been reading extensively, I find I am not retaining as much as I’d like. My eidetic memory is turning into swiss cheese. Decaying.
Which might be a relief. If only I could forget some of my sins. Yet, I suppose that’s why they are sins. We. Must. Atone.
However, this year I didn’t read solely for the sake of reading. And I find that this year’s books—especially ones that affected me—have also stuck with me.
Am I actually growing? It will be interesting to see…
For the record, here are the books read in 2021:
Today is the day.
I suppose it’s only natural to have a lot to process over this. To feel numb. To mourn.
Mourn what, exactly?
The end of a colossally bad decision? One that ultimately proves the last seventeen years never happened?
At some point, I may want to talk about it. Even sooner, I suspect, I’ll want to celebrate freedom.
Freedom from the shithole.
The shithole I ultimately had to pay someone to take.
Good riddance.
Take a day to mourn. Bask in the comforts of strangers. Celebrate. And move on.
In a week, it’ll feel like today was the best day… regardless of how it feels today.
The world is still here… even though primitive human emotions still hold sway over rational thought.
You broke my heart. In an instant. When you asked. For cinnamon rolls. To go with your chili.
You’re so beautiful, but it’s not going to work.
Bill: So-crates — “The only true wisdom consists in knowing that you know nothing."
Ted: That's us, dude.
I am back.
Out of necessity.
Writing is one thing I do for no one else. No one, but me.
Perhaps I write to keep myself sane.
Yet, do I need to “publish” it? No, I don’t NEED to.
I am more likely to, however, if I keep the journals in this platform.
If I drop my MacBook? The entries are safe. If I misplace my written journal? The entries are safe.
If I forget to pay my internet bill? Well…
That may be the price of sanity.
So, I’ll continue to write. About nothing. Or something.
And burden my handful of readers. And bots.
You’re welcome.