Tuesday, January 4, 2022, 8:58 am
My own prison

Bill: So-crates — “The only true wisdom consists in knowing that you know nothing."
Ted: That's us, dude.
I am back.
Out of necessity.
Writing is one thing I do for no one else. No one, but me.
Perhaps I write to keep myself sane.
Yet, do I need to “publish” it? No, I don’t NEED to.
I am more likely to, however, if I keep the journals in this platform.
If I drop my MacBook? The entries are safe. If I misplace my written journal? The entries are safe.
If I forget to pay my internet bill? Well…
That may be the price of sanity.
So, I’ll continue to write. About nothing. Or something.
And burden my handful of readers. And bots.
You’re welcome.