Tuesday, May 19, 2015, 4:21 pm

I need some advice, but where do I turn?
For the last year, I have fought a battle at work. At one point, I was great at my job. I made magic happen.
I’ve had problems with employers before, but nothing on the scale I’m experiencing now.
I come home utterly defeated. There are frequent meetings... even when they go well, there is clearly a hunt for something that I failed at.
I have been told that he has “zero confidence” in my ability. When those words aren’t said, the message is still conveyed.
Getting that message long enough has affected all aspects of my life. In a conversation with a close friend yesterday, he said that I was no longer hire-able. He said, that by talking with me, what I’m looking for isn’t about doing work... it’s only about the money.
So, now I’m caught in a situation where I need to rediscover my confidence and my passion, and get away from the constant flood of negativity and unrealistic expectations... yet as long as I’m doing this job for this employer, I’ll continue to get beat down.
What do I do? How do I put up a wall so I can rebuild my self-worth, and continue to “get by” and collect that paycheck?
I know I shouldn’t take any of it personally, yet after a year of hearing this, I have zero confidence I’ll ever satisfy this boss.
Do I need a shrink? A spiritual leader? A sabbatical?
How do I salvage this and get back into a good situation? A good job?