Thursday, August 31, 2006, 1:48 pm


So, now that the circle is complete... i have a lot of hard choices to make. Am i happy where i'm at? Am i happy with what i'm doing? With the direction my life is going?

There is someone i met just a few weeks ago... and she has been interested in seeing how this drama with C plays out. Now that that's over, i wonder what will happen there? Will she make me happy? Will i make her happy?

What kind of choice will i make if C decides to come back and i'm in the situation she is in right now?

Ok, that's not really the direction i need to be thinking right now. I do have a lot of loose ends to tie up if i'm planning a major life change. I had a plan in place for relocating to be with C if she really wants it. Maybe i should expand on the same plan if i am so happy here? After all, the timetable is not fixed without her... and neither is the relocation destination.

She has made her choices... and while i think they are mistakes, i cannot make my decisions based on being available to catch her when she falls.

As i've said before... if we are meant to be, things will work out without my intervention.

One could argue that if i were to land a job where she is... that would add stress to her current "relationship," to which i would answer there is only one reason my presence will cause her relationship to crumble... she is not with who she wants.

But she is happy with her decision right now, and i respect that.

Now i just have to figure out my new purpose. To borrow from Jack Palance's character in City Slickers, i need to figure out that one thing that matters to me and pursue it.

No, not C... something else... something for me.

I used to know what i wanted to do with my life. I had it all planned out. Then C happened, and our plans started merging with each other. I'm afraid somehow mine got lost in the whirlwind.

Were i a spiritual man, i might figure i'm going through a test... maybe in some ways i am.

Maybe it's just time to find out if this is all that i am... if there is anything more...

Thursday, August 31, 2006, 9:08 am

The end of an era...

Finally... i have reached the end.

The outcome wasn't quite what i had hoped for, but she says she is happy. In the end, i only want her to be happy.

I don't believe her when she says she is happy... but i have always believed in her, so that's what counts.

We are still in a much better place than we were two weeks ago. I promised to be here for her if she ever needs me... i'm not sure i'll get the same promise from her, but at least i know that she still cares.

The end of the road... which isn't as bad as Boyz 2 Men make it sound. All i need to do is turn around and it is a new beginning.

Will i even love this way again? It is hard to say. She's in a relationship that makes her happy... she's not in love, she doesn't see them getting married... but she seems to be in a good place.

I think i'm getting there. There will still be rocky patches, largely because no one has ever loved me like that girl did... and that someone could take that away from her... from me... from us. Well, it may be some time before i can believe in true love again.

Maybe i never will... it clearly doesn't account for much! Ok, that's not fair... and i still believe that if we were truly meant to be then our paths will cross again and we'll be together. Ok, that's terribly idealistic... hopefully i can find peace somewhere in the middle.

At least i was able to get myself back in this process. And we both got some of the closure we needed... it wasn't a mistake.

What i'm listening to:
Don't Let It End
Kilroy Was Here

Wednesday, August 30, 2006, 12:58 pm

Blue skies in the forecast...

Finally... i'm on an upswing.

I'm really working on living my life. Yes, i have decided i would love to spend the rest of my life with someone who's every bit as in love with me as she always was... but she still has some major issues to work through.

I suppose that if she doesn't want to be happy... that's her call.

I still worry that she's so afraid that she could finally going to get what she has wanted for so many years... well, that's a bit overwhelming. That, and she might not actually believe that i'm serious.

Someday, perhaps she'll figure out that her feelings haven't betrayed her. She fell in love with me the instant we met. I hope she'll realize that if she has to give someone else "a chance"... and she doesn't feel it yet... that it isn't meant to be.

And maybe, just maybe... it won't be too late. I'll wait, but not forever.

C, you really, really need to figure this out... if you follow your heart, i can promise you won't be disappointed!

What i'm listening to:
Somebody Like You
.38 Special
Strength in Numbers

Tuesday, August 22, 2006, 10:25 pm

Where do we go from here?

Wow, what a difference just a few days can make.

Let me just say it has been... erm... interesting. I guess sometimes i do manage to have a good idea.

Now, can i pull it off? We shall see.

Sorry for the obscurities. I can't take too much for granted right now.

Last week, i met a great girl... we shall call her "D". She impressed me a lot, and i'm not easily impressed!

And i think i impressed her too... so we shall see where it goes. Assuming it goes anywhere.

Then i skipped town for my vacation. I know, i know... i shouldn't have. I still haven't put my house in order, but i just had to get away. Didn't you ever have to just get away?

I ended up driving to Estes Park for the Netflix Roadshow viewing of The Shining, on location at the place where The Shining was shot. No, i'm not being repetitive... they showed the Kubrick movie where the television mini-series was shot. In spite of that, it was a very impressive old hotel and there were a lot of people!

I discovered i don't like Fat Tire and i needed a blanket. Still all in all a fun evening... something different anyway! Somehow i managed to sleep like a baby in my tent that night...

The next day i decided to pop in and see C. Let me just say i was pleasantly surprised by the reaction i got when she laid her eyes upon me again.

I won't elaborate too much now... but i will say that it was a good visit and that we are working on... well, we are friendly to each other.

I finished my vacation with a trip to Kansas City to pick up my iMac i had purchased during the previous weekend. It is great!

Apparently the trip has done me some good... my workmates think i'm happier... although today D said i was un-date-able.

That's not a word, i'm using it to show how desperate the situation is.

No, i'm not implying that she doesn't like me... in fact, she seems to be rather into me! =^)

But like me, she is now waiting to see how something goes.

It should be fun at the very least...

What i'm listening to:
Throwing It All Away
Invisible Touch

Friday, August 4, 2006, 2:25 pm

What i'm looking for...

So, now that i'm thinking of putting myself back on the market, i've been thinking about what i might just be looking for.

I keep thinking about things like my criteria from the "before" time. Oddly, i am still incredibly shallow... i don't know if i'm as bad as i was. In the before time, these were the requirements:

  • left-handed
  • brunette
  • have freckles
  • cute nose
  • weigh no more than i can carry
  • a sense of humor
  • be photogenic (and like it)
  • someone i could talk to intelligently
  • no tattoos
  • no smoking
  • attached earlobes (ya rly!)

Needless to say, the ex did not meet all of these expectations... of which i am certain there are more that i just do not remember. However, she did teach me that i could love someone for who they are as well as for who they are not.

Fat lot of good that did... but i don't want to go there.

Anyway, while i don't believe i am still *that* shallow, i've been thinking about what might be a potential deal-breaker.

Cute nose is still a must! Same with sense of humor. Being photogenic would be a plus, since i am a fledgling photographer who can always use a muse...

One thing that didn't seem to matter too much to me then... i wonder if it matters now?

It has occurred to me, that while unlikely at my age, i might find someone who wants to wait until she is married. Considering what i had with my last girlfriend... i'm afraid that would be a deal-breaker.

Does that make me a horrible person? It's funny, because i've never really put much stock in scruples, and i still don't really care what people think... except now it matters, because if i want to find a good woman to share my life with, i cannot alienate everyone around me.

C was a gem, because she was determined to reveal the good person she believed i was... she was persistent, and she succeeded.

And when we started seeing each other, sex was not an issue... not at all, really! We enjoyed each other's company, did things like watching movies, roller skating, mini golf, small road trips.

We waited to have sex until we were both ready... which is how i believe it should be. I don't like the idea of waiting until some time that is determined by some other entity... i think a man and a woman can determine this without society's boundaries.

However, we really enjoyed sex. One could argue that we were sex addicts. And, it was always fantastic... and even after the breakup, i don't think she would disagree with that.

So, is it reasonable to think that if i find a woman, and we just hit it off, that our dates might progress into intimacy fairly quickly? Is that a recipe for disaster?

The advice i get most from my friends is that i just need to be myself. Well, i'm afraid that if sex isn't in the mix... then i'm not being myself and i'm setting the relationship up for disaster. What can i say, i need a promiscuous girl...

Again, does that make me a bad person?

More importantly, will i find this woman? I found her once, and i was ready to marry her...

What i'm listening to:
Nelly Furtado