Tuesday, August 22, 2006, 10:25 pm

Where do we go from here?

Wow, what a difference just a few days can make.

Let me just say it has been... erm... interesting. I guess sometimes i do manage to have a good idea.

Now, can i pull it off? We shall see.

Sorry for the obscurities. I can't take too much for granted right now.

Last week, i met a great girl... we shall call her "D". She impressed me a lot, and i'm not easily impressed!

And i think i impressed her too... so we shall see where it goes. Assuming it goes anywhere.

Then i skipped town for my vacation. I know, i know... i shouldn't have. I still haven't put my house in order, but i just had to get away. Didn't you ever have to just get away?

I ended up driving to Estes Park for the Netflix Roadshow viewing of The Shining, on location at the place where The Shining was shot. No, i'm not being repetitive... they showed the Kubrick movie where the television mini-series was shot. In spite of that, it was a very impressive old hotel and there were a lot of people!

I discovered i don't like Fat Tire and i needed a blanket. Still all in all a fun evening... something different anyway! Somehow i managed to sleep like a baby in my tent that night...

The next day i decided to pop in and see C. Let me just say i was pleasantly surprised by the reaction i got when she laid her eyes upon me again.

I won't elaborate too much now... but i will say that it was a good visit and that we are working on... well, we are friendly to each other.

I finished my vacation with a trip to Kansas City to pick up my iMac i had purchased during the previous weekend. It is great!

Apparently the trip has done me some good... my workmates think i'm happier... although today D said i was un-date-able.

That's not a word, i'm using it to show how desperate the situation is.

No, i'm not implying that she doesn't like me... in fact, she seems to be rather into me! =^)

But like me, she is now waiting to see how something goes.

It should be fun at the very least...

What i'm listening to:
Throwing It All Away
Invisible Touch