Tuesday, August 29, 2017, 11:05 am

First you get the money, then you get the power, then you get the women.
Okay, this theme keeps coming up. It’s time to workshop this: what do you I want?
I want money. Lots of it.
I want women. Any one I choose.
I want to travel. Anywhere, anytime.
Simple? Not so much.
Many of the books I’ve read this year focus on discovering what you want. They also caution against painting with broad brush strokes.
Find clarity in what you want. Be very specific in what you want.
Okay. Money: let’s start with $8,500 per month. Six figures.
Everything we want requires either time or money. Quick research shows that as long as you’re making less that $72,000 a year, you’re in a position where you’re worrying about money. And you’re likely in debt.
If you’re making less than $72,000 a year, you are: choosing to spend time over money by driving somewhere instead of flying, cleaning your own house instead of paying someone to clean it for you, performing your own maintenance and yard work instead of paying someone to do it for you.
Am I close? Money is (or at least, can be) limitless. Time is finite.
If you’re cleaning your house, could that time be spent on something that might make some money? That hour you spent in the yard? That 14-hour drive?
So, yes. I want $8,500 a month.
They say money can’t buy happiness. I call bullshit. Money buys options that ensure we don’t waste time on fruitless endeavors... except in leisure. I don’t know about you, but that would make me pretty happy.
Women: let’s elaborate. One woman may suffice, but men need to take a page out of the women’s playbook. Dating one woman—especially one you find you’re not really that into—means you’re not dating other women. You’re not potentially finding your soul mate.
Does the soul mate exist? Maybe, maybe not.
This is bad time management. If you’re not that into her, cut her loose. Find out and fail quickly. Get out of that scarcity mindset. There are more women on the planet than men—it’s a buyer’s market.
To that end, I want to be able to walk into... well, anywhere... approach the hottest girl there, and leave with her.
That requires a certain mindset. Confidence. Also, determination to walk away. She may be uninteresting, vacuous, whatever. Say, “next,” and move on. Your time is valuable. Her time is valuable. Don’t waste time in unfulfilling relationships.
And also accept that love is fickle. If you fall out of love with her, change is natural... society has this wrong, but society is designed to make us feel guilty for doing right by ourselves.
Still not specific enough? You’re right. It’s time for me to do some homework. Something stream-of-consciousness. That’s it!
It’s time to write down everything I want, as it occurs to me. Everyday, revisit this list and note whether the item needs to be more specific. As they get specific, then it’s time to map out how to attain that want.
Money first? Perhaps, that’ll make the women easier. No, I’m not saying she’s a gold digger. Again, it’s about the options. She may not want to come over and Netflix and chill on the first date (although, she might).
Listen to Madonna: “I’m a material girl in a material world, you ain’t got no money, you can’t have no pussy.”
To be continued...

Like a Virgin