Thursday, August 31, 2006, 9:08 am
The end of an era...

Finally... i have reached the end.
The outcome wasn't quite what i had hoped for, but she says she is happy. In the end, i only want her to be happy.
I don't believe her when she says she is happy... but i have always believed in her, so that's what counts.
We are still in a much better place than we were two weeks ago. I promised to be here for her if she ever needs me... i'm not sure i'll get the same promise from her, but at least i know that she still cares.
The end of the road... which isn't as bad as Boyz 2 Men make it sound. All i need to do is turn around and it is a new beginning.
Will i even love this way again? It is hard to say. She's in a relationship that makes her happy... she's not in love, she doesn't see them getting married... but she seems to be in a good place.
I think i'm getting there. There will still be rocky patches, largely because no one has ever loved me like that girl did... and that someone could take that away from her... from me... from us. Well, it may be some time before i can believe in true love again.
Maybe i never will... it clearly doesn't account for much! Ok, that's not fair... and i still believe that if we were truly meant to be then our paths will cross again and we'll be together. Ok, that's terribly idealistic... hopefully i can find peace somewhere in the middle.
At least i was able to get myself back in this process. And we both got some of the closure we needed... it wasn't a mistake.

Kilroy Was Here