Wednesday, February 4, 2009, 9:07 am
Social networking is fun!

For those who haven't seen it, there is a show in the UK called The IT Crowd. There is one episode in particular featuring the cast addicted to a social networking site called "FriendFace." Pretty funny stuff, as it accurately conveys the current societal obsession with Facebook.
Facebook is today what MySpace was a couple of years ago... and I find I'm wondering if the next great social networking site is just around the corner. I have one friend in particular who is concerned that Facebook is turning into MySpace, based on the wild popularity of the meme "25 Random Things" which has the potential to turn Facebook Notes into something as abused as the MySpace Bulletin.
I'm afraid I don't share his concerns... and I rather enjoyed playing along. It's interesting because I've really enjoyed reading what others have jotted about themselves.
Of course, the oppressive policies of my workplace forbid me to post it from work, but I managed to find the time to compile a list and post it from home.
I had so much fun writing it, that in the interest of attempting to write in this space on a semi-regular basis again... I'm sharing it here.
Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.
(To do this, go to "notes" under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag 25 people (in the right hand corner of the app) then click publish.)
- I am addicted to sleep. I mean addicted in the textbook way: I crave it, frequently to the point where I can think of absolutely nothing but getting my "fix"... and I have been known to abuse it, sleeping so much that I feel absolutely terrible. I have no idea what steps I should take to fix this... is there a Sleep-a-holics Anonymous?
- I think coffee is offensive and retched.
- I broke my right hand throwing a punch when I was a senior in high school. I didn't like the cast, and removed it after a day, so now I have a hand I can bend unnaturally. It comes in very handy (pun intended) while doing dishes, because I can slip in and out of tight places very easily.
- I am a video-phile and audio-phile to the point where I maintain many lists of favorites. For instance, I have favorite "good" movies and favorite "horrible" movies (Johnny Mnemonic, anyone?). However, I rarely share these lists. If you press me, you may get a nugget here or there. I will say I prefer foreign and indie films to Hollywood blockbusters, and I despise network television. Why? Take a look at the shows Wonderfalls and Pushing Daisies which get cancelled while shows like the new Knight Rider live on.
- Last fall, I met Mia Kirshner, one of my favorite actors, only to find she was as thrilled to meet me as I was to meet her. In fact, she knew me by name and jumped up to give me a hug. For the complete surreal story, just ask.
- I'm no longer qualified to help you with your Windows machine. You should have bought a Mac. Stop calling me. You know who you are.
- Last fall, I finally admitted I like Britney's music. Blackout was good, Circus is better. I'm ashamed to admit I had accepted "If You Seek Amy" as a song that just doesn't make sense... until I read the "controversy" on a celeb blog. However, I'm not ashamed to admit I enjoy her music.
- I would rather read celeb news blogs than an actual newspaper. However, I am fascinated by the business page... and have been for a year or so now. Oddly, I don't see the doom and gloom there everyone else does... only opportunity. I prefer to keep up with current events by talking to people.
- I have a passion for photography.
- I love Asian cuisine! Especially Indonesian (I *really* miss the Indo in Lawrence!) and Thai food. I also really enjoy Mediterranean food.
- It boggles my mind just how unhealthy American food is, and it isn't so much the food as it is the portion sizes. I love a greasy cheeseburger as much as anyone else, but does anyone really need a half-pounder? It's 2,000 calories a day, people... not 2,000 a meal!
- Advertising amuses me.
- I don't shop at WalMart. I don't understand why so many people do.
- I am currently on my eighth car, a 1991 Toyota Celica. Even though I know how important it is to check the oil, I've found the key to longevity is to keep it from using oil... because I still don't check as often as I should. My Celica doesn't leak a drop, burns very little and has 313k miles on it. For the record, I've only run two of my cars out of oil. My previous car, I believe, still cruises around Topeka. I had to sell it because while the engine ran great at 200k+ miles, the body was dissolving noticeably. The person who bought it Line-X'd the entire car, which I assume resolved the rust problem.
- Most people who know me today think I'm some social butterfly, but I've only been social since the "before time"... about three years. I still find it a bit unnatural, but I'm working on it. Having said that, I would never have imagined how much fun it is to meet new people. Girls are much friendlier than I had previously been led to believe.
- I'm occasionally sad that my high school was demolished a couple of years ago. Buildings should last more than fifteen years. What a waste of tax dollars!
- The first time I was pulled over, I was going 57 in a 30. The deputy gave me the following warning: "You tell your parents before I do." I did, and was promptly grounded. However, I probably would have been grounded for much longer had I tried to hide it. The deputy did tell them... about eight months later.
- I am disappointed that with today's parenting, the above tactic wouldn't be pointless. The majority of the world's problems could be solved if parents would assume some responsibility for their kids rather than playing the blame game. I could go on with my views on parents and accountability, but I'm in a good mood today. Feel free to bring it up later though.
- I firmly believe that there is nothing your car can do that should surprise you. If you disagree, you probably shouldn't be driving. Seriously, if you are alert and pay attention, you would be amazed at how much you'll observe about how a car handles in any conditions. Snowpacked roads are no exceptions. There's no magic, your car isn't going to do anything you don't tell it to do. I'm not saying you should drive twenty miles an hour over the speed limit, however you should be able to manage more than ten miles an hour. If you are too scared to drive at least 20-25... you probably have no idea what your car is capable of and should stay home.
- I drive a car better than anyone else I know... to the point where I feel my car is just an extension of my hands and feet. Whenever I need to feel more confident about something, I can just compare it to the feeling I get when I'm behind the wheel.
- I am amazing in the kitchen. Well, I'm amazing everywhere, but I digress.
- No-bake Cookies. They are my only weakness. So is banana bread. And these amazing fritters my family makes for New Year's. And the corner brownies. And a greasy cheeseburger. And crawfish tails. And now I'm hungry.
- I will never understand why it is ok for violence to be shown on television, but any form of "nekkidness" just isn't tolerated. Why are we conditioned not to appreciate something totally natural like the human body? If someone can explain this to me, please feel free.
- I love the winter. There's just something about being cold. I love the summer too, but the oppressive humidity in the midwest just makes me want to sleep all the time... during the winter I'm much more active.
- I love to travel, and as of last year I have visited 25 of the 50 states. Interestingly, I've been to South Carolina and South Dakota, but not North Carolina nor North Dakota. I spent three amazing weeks in Greece last spring, and am longing to return to the Greek Isles and just lounge on the beach. Forever. Really. In the next 12-24 months, I'd like to go to Buenos Aires and not come back until I've mastered the Tango.

Metro Station
Metro Station