Tuesday, June 8, 2010, 7:07 pm
Challenging "type"

So, today I had a larger than healthier dose of salt in my game. Definitely not a good thing, and I’m actually surprised how much it is affecting me.
Maybe this is something I need to figure out?
You see, there’s this girl. She’s into me... but she’s not my type. However, she’s under my skin.
So, how much does type really matter? I like her, she likes me, we should just be able to hook up and go on our merry ways, right?
Today, a group of my close girlfriends all chimed in how she is totally not my type, then proceeded to tell me what they perceive my type to be.
Interesting, but derailing. By telling me that A’s not my type, a seed was planted. A seed of doubt.
I was convinced things were going well. Now? Not so much.

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