Monday, March 22, 2010, 8:54 am
New career...

So, I’m thinking I should be in the insurance business... for the insurance salesmen will be the only ones left standing when the dust settles. Just saying.
The house has sold all of us over to insurance... rather than fixing the root of the health problem, they took the easy way out and mandated everyone have insurance that they still cannot afford, so others who can’t afford it can pick up the slack. Our legislators do not understand economics, the health care system, or business, yet they seem to believe they are the best to run and manage these entities.
I’m healthy, I don’t want health insurance, I don’t NEED health insurance, and I have enough in the bank to cover myself... why should I be punished for choosing not to carry insurance, which is really just legalized gambling: I’m betting I’m going to get sick, they are betting I’m not, they win and I just keep paying out.
If they REALLY wanted to fix health care in this country, the government would do something to make health care affordable WITHOUT insurance.
They would NOT continue to fatten the wallets of insurance people, who profit in all areas of health care, and who’s malpractice insurance is a huge reason medical care is so outrageous to begin with!
Time to change careers. Let me tell you about this insurance policy: it’s great for you, yet even better for me!.

Sara Bareilles
Careful Confessions