Sunday, July 30, 2017, 1:07 pm
Building a better me

This space is starting to turn back into an emo bitch-fest. That is unfortunate. It’s time to turn that shit around. Where to begin...
First off, this quote from The Founder is still speaking to me:
Persistence. Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent won’t; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius won’t; unrewarded genius is practically a cliché. Education won’t; the world is full of educated fools. Persistence and determination alone are all powerful.
It’s so true. If there’s something my character is lacking is any sort of persistence... or perseverance. Why is that? I’ve read so much on change and awareness and mastery, it should be possible to change this within myself. Time to figure it out.
But, is perseverance really my problem? I watched a Snap-rant the other day that started on the average person’s lack of perseverance, but then went off on a tangent... albeit an appropriate tangent. Perseverance isn’t the problem. Some of us don’t even get started. We’ll throw good money at some sort of training that will open doors previously closed. Great training, with great ideas and techniques, yet I don’t know if it’s “buyer’s remorse,” or something else, but some of us pay for something and don’t. do. anything.
What the fuck kind of obstacle causes this kind of stagnation? Laziness? Perhaps. Fear? This is more likely. Fear of failure? No. Fear of succeeding. Fear of the unknown.
Yet, it is so apparent that the road to a rich life requires managing a few risks. I’ve said it before, but saying and believing are not the same thing. “Risk is your friend.”
I have a shit-ton of bad programming to overcome. Most of the people I’ve looked up to in life have never really taken a chance on anything. They play it safe, letting someone else pay their wages. Never escalated to any sort of managerial role... for whatever reason. No desire for the responsibility that will accompany the pay off.
And no drive to jump off that cliff that might start a new business... and bring a truly rich life.
I must overcome this bad programming. There must be more to life than working for a meager wage and planned days off and that constant shadow of the possibility of losing said job/wage... and looking for the next one.
Which may pay less than the previous.
Leading to my next obstacle. Why must I take myself so seriously?
A decade ago, I blogged that taking herself less seriously would save Britney... shortly afterward, that’s exactly what she did (you’re welcome).
Last night, I stumbled upon this Dostoyevsky quote in The Game:
I am now eking out my days in my corner, taunting myself with the bitter and entirely useless consolation that an intelligent man cannot seriously become anything; that only a fool can become something.
So, I need to become the fool and embrace risk. Not just typing out the words. I need to do this.

The Go-Go's