Sunday, April 22, 2007, 3:01 pm
She's interested...

It started innocently enough. She was a client of mine, and I'd noticed that she was appending little questions about me to the end of her business emails.
Little things... like inquiring what I do for fun, how my weekend was, and in addition, she was telling me how she is and what she was up to. Within a few weeks, she was making stops by the office when she had things to deliver rather than using a messenger.
I remember being unsure about how I felt about these signals. I'd never really recieved signals from someone so sexy before. I still don't know exactly what it is about her... she just "oozes" sex appeal.
Plus, she was married... so while I would entertain some fantasies, I would never have thought to act on them at the time. I remember feeling confused, because I knew she was married, but I had never seen "him," nor had she ever mentioned him to me.
She started inviting me to little business things. Again, I couldn't be sure she was interested because the events she invited me to were usually big to-do's. However, I decided to find out when she invited me to a volunteer's awards show.
That night wasn't meant to be. I was ready to go out that evening, looking hot in my shirt and silk tie, but as I climbed into my car to leave, and turned the key... nothing happened.
It was a fluke. Earlier in the day, when I was running errands I had started to switch on the headlights. I caught myself while the park lights were on and just switched them off... but something shorted across the switch and the park lights had stayed on. My six-year old battery didn't hold them up for the four hours I was at home, cleaning and getting ready for the show.
So, all I could do was call her and explain why I wasn't there... so she wouldn't wonder when I didn't show. I didn't get her, only voicemail, and when I didn't hear from her for some time after, I figured it really was nothing.
The attraction she was showing towards me was all in my mind.
Or was it? In a later email, I casually mentioned that I was planning on attending an open house where she worked. That was the night I found out my intuitions were spot on.
She told me later, that as soon as she found out I was going to be attending, she volunteered to be one of the speakers at the event. Anyway, when I arrived, she met me at the door, introduced me to her son, and stood next to where I was sitting in the room. Then she said she'd be right back.
She proceeded to go to the front of the room, and explained how working where she did was such a positive influence in her life. She explained how they had become like family for her and how they had helped her through her divorce and even helped her move towards her dreams. She has so much to be thankful for!
After she was finished, she came over to me and apologized because she had to leave and take her son home, but thanked me for coming and I told her I'd see her later.
And I did, the next day. They were offering tours the previous night after the speakers, but the guide didn't take us into the basement, which was an old fallout shelter.
Now, I love old buildings... which is partially why I'm so interested in real estate today, so I used that as a double-sided in. That day when she called, she asked what I thought, so I told her that the tour was incomplete because I didn't get to see the basement... to which she responded by inviting me over to complete the tour.
The basement was neat, but not terribly impressive... but there was an energy present with the two of us alone down there. It was everything I could do not to kiss her down there.
I later found out that she had wanted me to.
We talked for a couple of hours that day, and I invited her to lunch at the end of it... and she accepted. I still didn't know exactly where it was going... but I did find her fascinating, and while I did have girlfriend... that relationship was strained at the time, so I figured that she probably just wanted to be friends and to get me involved and want to volunteer where she worked.
And, as I am painfully aware of these days, I really need my friends. So, I was hoping at the very least we'd have that.