Wednesday, November 8, 2006, 9:55 am

This morning, a dawning realization hit me.
I don't know why it took so long, but it did. I can't think of many successful people who aren't morning people. Maybe a couple, but they are also classified in the "don't require sleep" category.
So, it is time to transition into a morning person. This morning, i awakened as if something were wrong. I just laid there and tried to sleep... burying myself further and further beneath my luxurious sheets.
My eyes kept popping open... which is something i'm used to at night when it's bedtime. However, for me it is a rare occurrence in the morning. I've always been one of those people who gets the best sleep either in the early morning or during a mid-afternoon/early evening power nap.
Who am i kidding, i've always been one of those people who could be happy with 12-14 hours of sleep a day.
So, you can see the conflict. Here i am, trying to make my life more fulfilling/rewarding and yet my worst, seemingly harmless habit is potentially my downfall. It could conceivably blow everything apart.
And with all the changes i'm juggling right now, everything could shatter in the wink of an eye.
"Life is the ultimate experience. But you have to live it if you are going to write about it."
Thus begins another adaptation in my life. This one will be major, but i think the payoff is worth it! =^)

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