Friday, September 15, 2006, 1:43 pm
The price of closure...

Well, i think i've discovered the worst thing about finding my closure.
My appetite appears to have returned... and last time i weighed myself i'd put on three pounds. Granted, that was last week, but over the course of the previous week i'd put on 10% of my losses.
At least C's worries about me becoming anorexic were unfounded... which is a good thing. Those eating disorders scare me... and while i was never worried about it, i know several people who were.
Besides, does anyone really choose to become anorexic?
Anyway, eating disorders are a delicate subject, so i'll move away from that.
The extra weight is probably just a "market correction" due to a shift in my eating habits. At least i cannot eat as much as i used to, so if i don't resign to "pigging out," i should be fine.
So, life has been great! Really, it has! Granted things aren't going as i'd planned, but i am really looking forward to the new opportunities that have presented themselves since C's final decision.
I think i'm ready! I still look great, and i believe i'm in the best shape of my life... and i've found a focus i never had during the "before time." It should be fun! =^)
Anyway, i'm going to cut this one short... i have to go see someone before i can really start my weekend.
Next week: ROAD TRIP! Yay!

Like a Virgin